How long you have known God or walked with Him does not matter. Please
leave your heart and mind open to receive fresh revelation of God and His ways so you
can better position yourself to see physical manifestations of all that Jesus Christ paid in
full for us to have and enjoy. We truly know in part and will continue on increasing
revelation of the truth as the Holy Spirit gives to us.
This article is not exhaustive in explaining the courts of Heaven prayers, but it is
in response to the Holy Spirit to share with you some of the learnings acquired over the
years that helped me immensely enjoy success with this kind of prayers. Success is
ONLY guaranteed if you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit (Numbers 9:15-23). Go into
the courts of Heaven ONLY if the Holy Spirit directs you to do so, and ONLY go into the
particular court in Heaven He directs you to go. If you are not sure of what the Holy
Spirit is saying to you, go to the court of mercy and present your case unless He tells
you otherwise. Also, I have learned to simply say to Him, when I am not sure of which
court He’s leading me to (or when I need to go to more than one court or room in
Heaven), “Lord, please navigate this prayer into the courts as You deem fit.”
Furthermore, please do not use this material as a replacement for the voice of God in
your life. Rather, spend time with the Holy Spirit to hear His voice behind the words in
this article even though He’s the Author of this article for His articles (and other
materials) are ALWAYS meant to point to Him and not replace Him.
Many Christians struggle with God being the Judge, Jehovah Shapat; especially
if your background knowledge of God is that He is love and full of grace under the New
Testament, so may struggle with reconciling God who is Love with God who is the
Supreme Judge. God is love, no doubt, and He is so gracious because He is love.
However, because He is also a King, which means He has a Kingdom where His sets
the rules, laws and decrees, as well as enforces them. Isaiah 33:22 states, “For the
Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; He will save us.” As
King, He has to judge cases in His courts. Isaiah also states in 9:6, “Unto us a Child is
born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be on His shoulder...”
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Government entails legislature to make policies (i.e., lawgiving), judicial arm to judge
cases based on the policies and to enforce the policies/laws (judge), and an executive
arm to rule the people (rulership or kingship). See God as the Judge as a show of tough
love; He has to enforce His laws and what He has set as right.
“But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that
I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the
earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:24 NKJV
In contrast, some Christians see God as a Judge but only when they are seeking
revenge on someone else. Indeed, God is the Supreme Judge over all of Creation as
stated in Hebrews 12:22, but our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the
forces of darkness that oppose us in our assignments, callings and mandates. We do
not deny the wrong done to us, we acknowledge it together with the pain, damage, and
loss it costed us. However, we take all of these, with the willingness to forgive even if it
is by faith, and give them to God, trusting Him to handle it better, and at His timing.
Furthermore, it is not the desire of the Father that any human should perish, but that all
should come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17). So be
willing, with all your heart, to forgive and release people totally in His presence. Trust
God to exercise His judgements in the best way He wants to, knowing that He knows
what He is doing and will make all things beautiful.
God the Just Judge
Now that you see (or remember) God is also the Judge, it is time to take
advantage of this opportunity to go to His courts in Heaven to present your cases to
Him. You have already been going to His courts not aware of it; but now you need to go
there with all intentionality. Psalms 100:4 states, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and
into His courts with praise...” This shows us how to enter His courts – with praise! The
word ‘courts’ here depicts a king’s court (obi-eze in Igboland) where a king deliberates
(with his elders) on issues brought to his notice, and issues decrees, declarations and
laws. Therefore, you may have been going to the courts of Heaven without knowing it.
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When you present your petition to God, you may have actually presented it to Him in
His court.
In prayer, we can approach God as our Father, as a Friend, or as a Judge. As
our Father, He will do for us only those things a loving Father would do for His children.
For example, if you get beaten up by a force of darkness and you approach Him as a
Father to deal with the situation. He will love you all up, heal your wounds, and get you
back on your feet; but may keep that enemy away for a while. The enemy will surely
come back and beat you up again, and again, and again, probably with more help from
other forces of darkness. The higher the hierarchy in the kingdom of darkness the
demons fighting you belong, the less effective your casting-out works on them, and the
less effective God can deal with those demons as your Father. He needs to deal with
them as the Judge, and you need to approach Him as such. “God presides over
heaven’s court; He pronounces judgment on the heavenly beings.” (Psalm 82:1, NLT).
In addition, in Matthew 18:18, the words bind and loose are legal terms used to
forbid (object, prohibit, make impossible, or prevent) and permit (allow, sanction,
authorize, or enable) with the authority Jesus our Lord gave to us as His ecclesia. We
have the authority to go to the courts of Heaven to forbid (what is not in alignment with
God’s will for us) and to permit (what is in alignment with God’s will for us). And in the
words of Jesus, “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon
this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. And I will
give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be
forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”
(Matthew 16:18-19, NLT).
Judgement, Justice and Grace
According to KJV Dictionary, judgement is the process of examining facts and
arguments to ascertain propriety and justice based on the law, pronounced by a judge
or court by which a case is tried, and may be rendered on demurrer (an objection),
verdict, confession, default or nonsuit. God issues judgements after listening to facts
and arguments presented in His courts as the sovereign King and Judge. He always
rules in our favor; however, this is not an occasion to “deal” with our human “enemies”.
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Understand that when dealing with any human evildoers (or collaborators), you
need to present them as needing salvation of their souls before receiving judgements in
the members of their bodies. This is because it is not the desire of God that any human
should perish but that all should come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (John
3:16-17). Make this your desire too and really mean it. Furthermore, the measure you
mete is the same measure you will be meted; if you do not receive it while you are alive,
someone in your bloodline will receive it later. Hence, it is important that your heart
breaks for the soul of the human evildoer while you are seeking God’s deliverance from
evil and the evil ones (both spiritual and humans). The Lord God is faithful and will
surely deliver His people.
I remember presenting a case in the court of Heaven of someone owing me and
denying it, and I forgot about it. Within a couple of weeks, the person called me and was
facing the same thing he did to me but worse. By six months (or thereabout), he was
thrown into jail falsely. When I was told about this and asked to pray, as soon as I
turned to talk to God about it, He said. “Remember you brought him to My court? Bring
him back there?” I went back to the court of Heaven to plead for mercy on this person.
This is grace, which is extending mercy and deliverance for the people who do not
deserve it (and that includes us too). This does not mean that God will not render
judgements against unrepentant evildoers, but it is not in our place to do so although we
have the authority; this is His court, and He is the Judge. How and when God exercises
His judgements is up to Him. Remember we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)
In terms of justice, since God determines what is right and sets righteousness
before us, justice becomes the reward for doing what God has determined to be right.
He is a Father that loves to reward His children when we choose righteousness. In the
bible, justice means to give relief (rescue, deliverance, or salvation) to the oppressed
and needy. God’s justice is His sovereignty displayed on behalf of man; not because
man deserves it, but because God is good and has set Himself to show man mercy.
God rendering justice for us is a display of the power of His love. When you go to the
court of Heaven to seek relief for you and your bloodlines, you are seeking for His
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mercy and grace to be released on your behalf based on what Jesus Christ achieved for
you. With the same mercy you receive, extend to other humans and leave the
operations of justice to God. (Matthew 18:23-35)
The Knowledge of God’s Judicial System
The children of darkness and their rulers are so aware of the operations of the
courts of Heaven and take full advantage of it. The devil is called the Accuser (or
prosecutor) that accuses the brethren day and night before the Supreme Judge. What is
the Accuser doing in the courts of Heaven? And why is he winning his cases in your
life? He (or the other fallen sons of God) is presenting cases against you based on the
word of God, especially for unrepented sins or iniquities, including generational sins and
iniquities. If we do not show up in the courts of Heaven to defend ourselves, the
adversary wins their cases by default just like in human courts. Yes Jesus Christ paid
the price in full, but we are the ones to enforce in the earth all that God has so freely
given to us by Christ Jesus.
1 John 1:8-9 TPT says (to believers), “If we boast that we have no sin, we’re only
fooling ourselves and are strangers to the truth. But if we freely admit our sins when
his light uncovers them, he will be faithful to forgive us every time. God is just to
forgive us our sins because of Christ, and he will continue to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness.” My interpretation of this scripture is that if the Holy Spirit convicts us
of a sin or an iniquity, but we ignore it and not repent of it, the Accuser will use it against
us in the court of Heaven to request for approval to do us evil, although Jesus Christ
already paid the price in full for it. Since we did not repent of the sin or iniquity, be
forgiven and cleansed, the Accuser has a right to win his cases against us. However,
there are times Jesus Christ stands in the court as our Mediator to plead for mercy on
our behalf. In addition, there are times too God by His sovereignty shows us mercy and
denies the Accuser his requests; but ultimately, God is not raising us to be weak and
fearful, rather to be His courageous, strong, wise sons and daughters (like Jesus),
ready to exercise our authority in our sphere of influence. Hence, God allows us to
sometimes go through challenges with the enemies that can only be resolved in His
courts. Maybe that pattern, curse, or challenge that has been going on in your family
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can only be resolved in the court of Heaven. If you are not sure, ask the Holy Spirit; He
holds all the strategies of prayer that is according to the will of the Father. He will tell
Deep sincere repentance not only brings us to forgiveness and cleansing, it
nullifies, severs and destroys any covenant, agreement or transaction made with the
forces of darkness (either by us or someone else made on our behalf such as parents
or forefathers), as well as frees us for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit to live and enjoy
the life God has for us. Repentance is so important that the Lord Jesus Himself said, as
a Son of man, that the Accuser has nothing ‘in’ Him (John 14:30). This is how someone
that wants to invoke evil on you (a born-again) child of God, and the witchcraft works on
you either affecting your health, finances, relationships, calling, assignments, or God’s
will for your life (or family, community, nation). The priest (or demon) at the evil altar
where the witchcraft was concocted or invoked from, checks your life to see if there is
an unrepented sin or iniquity that will give them access (or right) into your life to torment,
oppress, afflict, delay, hinder, or invoke any other form of evil in your life. If there is none
in your life, he goes to check your bloodlines to see what unrepented sins or iniquities
still exist, knowing that a curse cannot land without a cause. Therefore, you need to
repent for not just you but also for your bloodlines (or community, city, and nation) as
the Holy Spirit directs you; and not because God is looking for who to punish. It is for
you to be able to enforce on earth, by right, the victory Jesus already won for you. Note
that demons cannot possess (as in own) the spirit of a born-again child of God; that
spirit belongs to God and is going to Heaven to be with God. However, the forces of
darkness understand that well and not concerned about it, but they are concerned about
you walking in and enjoying Kingdom blessings in Christ Jesus here on earth, as well as
fulfilling your Kingdom assignments, callings, and mandates in the earth.
Another helpful tool in the courts of Heaven is knowledge of the word of God; not
just mental knowledge, but Holy Spirit-breathed word of God. The Word can be the
written scriptures, prophetic words or testimonies of what God did in the past. The
adversary is very legalistic and knows the word of God very well (afterall it is a court).
So, you need to know the word yourself too. However, you need to lean into the Holy
Spirit to direct you on which words to use. He knows which words to use for each case
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better than you, or your adversary. Take the time to always ask the Holy Spirit what
strategy He wants to use, including the words to use to present your cases every time. I
have been presenting cases in the courts of Heaven since 2015, none of the
proceedings are ever the same even on same cases. There have been times the Holy
Spirit have made me repeat the same prayers in the same court in Heaven, but He
made changes to them as we proceeded with the cases.
Types of Courts in Heaven
In human judicial system, the court system is broadly divided into trial courts,
appeal courts, and supreme (or high) courts at local, state and federal levels. In the trial
courts, which is where all cases begin, you can file a civil or criminal case. A civil case
usually involves disputes between persons or organizations, whereby a plaintiff brings a
lawsuit against another (the defendant) claiming the defendant breached an agreement,
or acted in a way, that resulted in harm or injury to the plaintiff. A criminal case is a
lawsuit filed by the government or authority (the prosecutor) against a defendant for
illegal conduct according to the laws of the place of jurisdiction. Many crossovers exist
between civil and criminal cases as cases can begin as one type and end up as the
other or contain some portions of each other. The earthly judicial system for enforcing
laws is only a copy, a shadow of the real one in Heaven (Hebrews 8:5).
God’s judicial system operates similarly, but more sophisticated in that no lies or
shadows can be there, and the integrity, sovereignty, and truth of God sustain it;
everything is laid bare before the Supreme God that sees and knows all. God is the
government (lawgiver, law enforcer and ruler) all by Himself. The Accuser can bring a
criminal case against a human, family, community or nation if he (or they) committed an
offense (or illegal conduct) that violates the laws of God (that is, he committed a sin or
iniquity) and did not repent of it. The Accuser has been doing this and winning mostly
because followers of Christ do not show up in the courts of Heaven to ‘forbid’ the
Accuser’s argument. We, on the other hand, can bring civil cases against demonic
entities (or other humans), as well as criminal cases for illegal conducts (based on the
word of God) by demonic entities and their human collaborators.
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The courts of Heaven supersede any other courts in all the realms of creation,
and whatever judgments are passed by the just Judge overrules every other verdict
from any other court. All other court systems, whether human or from the kingdom of
darkness, are lower in every way than the courts of Heaven.
One day the members of the heavenly court came to present themselves before
the Lord, and the Accuser, Satan, came with them. “Where have you come
from?” the Lord asked Satan. Satan answered the Lord, “I have been patrolling
the earth, watching everything that’s going on.” Then the Lord asked Satan,
“Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is
blameless—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil.”
Satan replied to the Lord, “Yes, but Job has good reason to fear God. 10 You
have always put a wall of protection around him and his home and his property.
You have made him prosper in everything he does. Look how rich he is! But
reach out and take away everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your
face!” “All right, you may test him,” the Lord said to Satan. “Do whatever you
want with everything he possesses, but don’t harm him physically.” So Satan left
the Lord’s presence. Job 1:8-12 NLT
Hence, if you want mercy, justice or favor based on what Jesus Christ has
accomplished for us, then you can appeal to Heaven no matter the earthly or demonic
verdicts operating in your life, family, community, city, or nation. All other verdicts can
be overturned, and all other courts can be overruled by the Supreme Judge in the
courts of Heaven, whose rulings are final. However, the way and timing the verdicts of
Heaven play out in our lives depend on strategies God chooses to use.
Some of the courts in Heaven you may visit are:
Court of Mercy: Unbeknownst to many Christians, they have been presenting
their cases to the just Judge in the Court of Mercy. This is where to start from,
especially if you are new to praying in the courts of Heaven. Because God shows
mercy by His sovereignty, and the Holy Spirit knows far better what and how a
case needs to be presented, you do not need to worry about presenting your
cases perfectly here. In fact, you will not present any case perfectly in any other
court, but with all your heart and assistance from your legal team, you will do
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well; the just Judge is your Father and will show you mercy. Mercy is for
forgiveness, but also for things we cannot do for ourselves, “Let us therefore
come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy (for our failures)
and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16). Understand that the just
Judge will not rule in your favor because you presented your case well or
perfectly. He rules in your favor because He is good and has set Himself
beforehand to show us mercy and grace.
Court of Divorce: This is where you petition for divorce and total severing from
any covenant, agreement, or transaction made with demonic entities, you,
someone from your bloodlines, or a leader made with those demonic entities.
This is usually where to go after repenting for sins and iniquities you, your
bloodlines or community, city or nation may have committed in the past or
present, that have to do with ungodly covenants, agreements or transactions.
You can also petition for divorce and severing of all ungodly ties (including soul
ties), connections, links, and associations to other humans, organizations or
geographical locations. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!
Court of Ownership: Usually when a covenant, agreement or transaction is
made, exchanges take place between the parties involved. Although the earth is
the Lord’s and everything in it (including us), covenants, agreements or
transactions made with the forces of darkness usually give them liens and ‘false’
titles (or ownership) of the persons and their lineage involved. This court is where
you pay in full, with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, any existing liens the
forces of darkness (and their human collaborators) may have on you or your
bloodlines, and transfer all existing titles back to the rightful owner, God Almighty.
You can also do that for someone else, your community, city or nation as the
Holy Spirit leads you. If there is need to have a physical action done as directed
by The Judge, then do so. Obedience is key in all your dealings with the Most-
High God.
Court of Cancellation of Curses: The name speaks for itself. This is where you
petition God to have all curses existing in your life or bloodlines to be canceled,
including overturning the verdicts of Hell over you or your bloodlines. Be
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prepared with scriptures, prophecies, or testimonies (as directed by the Holy
Spirit) to use to replace the curses or verdicts of Hell. Since a curse cannot land
with a cause, go to the Room of Atonement to repent of any sin or iniquity the
Holy Spirit may highlight to you before going into this court to cancel curses. For
example, if there a curse of always losing money, either through fraud or
thievery, there is the likelihood that someone (or yourself) in your bloodline did
the same thing (or a form of it) to another person(s) in the past (or present) that
gave the enemy the legal right (obtained from the courts of Heaven) to do the
same to you or your family. The sin or iniquity needs to be repented of before
proceeding to canceling the associated curse(s) as indicated in 1 John 1:8-9.
Court of Claims: This is where you can file claims for stolen, lost, damaged,
wasted, delayed, detoured, or obstructed goods, blessings, inheritance,
possession, gifts, titles, or treasure (John 10:10; Joel 2:25; Proverbs 6:31). You
can also file claims for unclaimed generational blessings, reward or recompense
due to you and your bloodlines (Exodus 34:7; Psalms 105:8 & 33:11).
Furthermore, you can file for claims for blessings and reward or recompense that
are due to you (Isaiah 61:7). Even if you (or your family) were once alienated
from God and so lost your inheritance, blessings, gifts, possessions, and
treasures to the enemy, once you come back to God with repentance, you have
a right in Christ Jesus to file claims for all that you lost, even to the tune of
sevenfold return, including all the substance in the enemy’s house (Proverbs
Court of Times & Seasons: Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To everything there is a
season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” The enemies always try to
change the times and seasons of the fulfilment of God’s promises to us (and His
purposes for us) by using trauma and other negative events in certain times and
seasons to change our perception of God, other people, ourselves, and the world
around us that set us on evil timelines. “He shall speak pompous words against
the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to
change times and law.” (Daniel 7:25 NKJV). The enemies can also use evil
covenants, agreements, or transactions made with them by you, your forefathers
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or someone in your bloodlines to try to change your times and seasons. We need
to be free from evil timelines and be aligned or restored back to God’s original
timelines for us. You can achieve this in the Court of Times and Seasons. Our
God has promised to restore the years we lost, part of which is restoring us back
to His timelines for us.
Court of Decrees: “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be
established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways.” (Job
22:28 AMP). Here you decree scriptures and prophetic words over yourself,
family, community, city, or nation as directed by the Holy Spirit, using statements
like, “I decree...the word God is telling you to decree.” Note, it is not “I declare”.
Decreeing is different from declaring. A decree is a statement of truth that carries
the authority of a court or ruler, therefore cannot be hindered or reversed (Isaiah
43:13 AMP). By contrast, declaration is a statement of who we are or what we
have, such as “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.”
Court of Justice: “One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they
should always pray and never give up. “There was a judge in a certain city,” he
said, “who neither feared God nor cared about people. A widow of that city came
to him repeatedly, saying, ‘Give me justice in this dispute with my enemy.’ The
judge ignored her for a while, but finally he said to himself, ‘I don’t fear God or
care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she
gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’” Then
the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. Even he rendered a
just decision in the end. So, don’t you think God will surely give justice to
his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting
them off? I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly!” (Luke 18:1-8). This is
where you file cases that deal with any form of injustice including oppression,
suppression, robbery, treachery, false accusations, captivity and heavy burdens
(such as debts), and you are seeking justice from the just Judge. Justice entails
deliverance, healing, prosperity, and manifestation of God’s promises in one’s
life; this is the reason God is the only One looked upon to exercise justice for the
oppressed, defenseless, windows, orphans, needy, and His people. Only the
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Supreme God can give true justice and freedom. However, understand that this
is not an opportunity to seek for the death (or other penalties) of your human
evildoers; you are to forgive them, seek for the salvation of their soul, and
release them to God Almighty. He knows how best to exercise justice. Some of
the best justice God gives is giving those human evildoers encounter like He did
to Paul and using them to tear down the kingdom of darkness and express His
Kingdom in the Earth.
In general, if there is an issue that can be under a subject, there is likely a court in
Heaven where you can present that case, or a room in Heaven to deal with that issue.
Our Heavenly Father has all the solutions we need; Jesus our Savior paid it all for us to
have this access.
The Setting of the Courts in Heaven
“I watched as thrones were put in place and the Ancient One sat down to judge.
His clothing was as white as snow, his hair like purest wool. He sat on a fiery
throne with wheels of blazing fire, and a river of fire was pouring out, flowing from
his presence. Millions of angels ministered to him; many millions stood to attend
him. Then the court began its session, and the books were opened.” Daniel 7:9-
10 NLT
Similar to human courts, the courts of Heaven have the Judge, the Most High God, who
presides over every case brought to His courts. This just Judge is our Father and ever
ready to rule in our favor. Then there is Jesus Christ, our Mediator, and the Holy Spirit,
our Advocate. The Trinity controls the courts in Heaven and are on our side according
to Romans 8:33-34. At minimum, you will present your case before the Trinity (and the
Angels that attend to them) only. However, depending on the case, you may need to
have the Elders (from the 24 Elders before His throne) presiding over your life or
bloodlines, other Angels that work in the courts in Heaven, members of your family or
bloodlines that are in the Cloud of Witnesses, and Saints in Heaven that are connected
to the case you are presenting. The Holy Spirit will also guide you as to what persons
you need for any case you want to present.
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“Present your case,” says the Lord. “Bring forth your strong reasons,” says
the King of Jacob. Isaiah 41:21 NKJV
“Meet Me in court, let’s argue our case together; state your cause, so that you
may be proved right.” Isaiah 43:26 NASB
There are times the Holy Spirit will have you call for the adversary (including all the
demonic entities involved) to be present as defendants in the courts of Heaven; in which
case you need to have them quiet and only speak if needed. In addition, the Holy Spirit
may tell you to call spirits of living humans to be present as well. The key is to
completely shut down, shut out and shut up your flesh so you can hear the Holy Spirit
well and obey; obeying the Holy Spirit is your key to winning all your cases inspite of
your being ignorant of how the courts of Heaven operates.
Your Legal Team
You are never alone when presenting a case in the courts of Heaven, although it
may seem so on the physical. You are part of a legal team and your team members are:
Jesus Christ as our Mediator. You can ask Him to also stand as any other role
or person (such as brother, friend, earthly father, pastor, etc.) as the Holy Spirit
directs you. I personally like to ask Him (after presenting a case) to review the
presentation I made in the courts of Heaven and make any changes as He
deems fit (learnt this from the Holy Spirit) before resting a case.
The Holy Spirit has been indicated already. He is our Advocate (Attorney) and
Helper. Follow His leading for without Him, you can do nothing (John 15:5). This
is so true! But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My
name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that
I said to you (John 14:26 NKJV).
The legal Angels as assigned to you by the Holy Spirit. They assist you in
preparing and presenting the case. The Holy Spirit will let you know when they
are assigned to your team as you grow in Courts of Heaven prayers.
Other Humans presenting the case with you. If so, all of you have to be in total
agreement with the Holy Spirit; that is, be in one accord as directed by the Spirit.
And if any does not have the faith to be present, others can stand in for him/her.
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But those who will be present in the courts of Heaven must be united, supporting
the Lead presenter (like a barrister does in a court). A house divided against itself
cannot stand, even in the courts of Heaven.
When to Approach God as the Judge
The courts of Heaven are open all the time and can be accessed from anywhere
you are. However, it is important to take a case there if you are invited, or God tells you
to present a situation to Him in His courts. Not every situation will need to be ‘officially”
presented in the courts of Heaven; but if God tells you to present a situation to Him in
His court, you will do well in obeying as that is your guaranteed answer. You can also
request for a court in Heaven to be “set” for you as you need to present a case. Before
doing this, always check with the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Operation of the Courts of Heaven
If you are presenting a case on someone’s behalf, please seek that person’s
permission before going to the courts of Heaven. Also, seek permission (from the
appropriate authority) to present a case on behalf of a family, community, city or nation,
if you do not have authority (such as birthright, residency or citizenship) in that family or
place. Court of Heaven prayer is a ‘legal’ matter, therefore authorization and following
protocols are vital.
After your court sessions in the courts of Heaven, end your prayer with
communion and sealing prayer. You can find sample communion and sealing prayers in
Jackie Hanselman’s book (Silencing the Accuser). Communion and sealing prayer are
important for your protection and the protection of everyone and every asset or resource
under your care.
Courts of Hell
As you may already know, the kingdom of darkness also has their own courts.
Since they are beings created by God, they too use the laws, decrees, authority and
power given to them by the King of kings to rule their kingdom but they do so in a
perverted way.
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Some Christians when appealing to ‘courts’ of heaven are actually presenting
their cases in the courts of Hell and are not aware of that. When I started out operating
in the courts of Heaven prayers, I came across an article on the topic and the writer
talked about ensuring we do not present our cases in the courts of Hell. We do so by
calling on the sovereign names of God. In addition, I have found out that going into His
gates with thanksgiving and entering His courts with praise always suffice.
The children of darkness understand how the courts of Hell operate, while most
Christians are ignorant of it. I was once ignorant until God (out of His mercy) began
taking me on the journey of understanding how the kingdom of darkness operates (in
general) to better position myself (and others) to always fight the good fight of faith and
win the war from the position of the victory Jesus already won for us. He already won
the victory; our job is to enforce it.
Please understand that there is nothing like an in-between, coincidence,
happenstance, etc. There are only two primary kingdoms: the Kingdom of Light with
Jesus Christ as the Ruler, and the Kingdom of Darkness with Satan as the ruler. All the
other kingdoms fall under each of these kingdoms, and humans belong to each of these
kingdoms. Any human who does not belong to the Kingdom of Light through Jesus
Christ, automatically belongs to the kingdom of darkness. And any Christian who is not
operating in the ways of the Kingdom of Light (righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy
Spirit) is hindered in that area by the forces of darkness. The forces of darkness are fine
with that Christian until he/she starts pursuing the destiny or purpose of God for their
lives, then fierce oppositions rise up from Hell to try to stop the person. The Most High
God is sovereign and rules over both kingdoms. On Earth, man experiences the fruits of
these kingdoms based on his choices (Deuteronomy 30:15-20).
If you are noticing a negative pattern, generational curse, repeated misfortunes,
or simply that your life is not where it is supposed to be based on the promises we have
in Christ, maybe there are verdicts against you or your bloodlines issued from the courts
of Heaven, or the courts of Hell. In the past, our fathers or ancestors worshipped idols
or gods (fallen sons of God). They went to these gods for fertility, provision, prosperity,
protection, etc. The places where our fathers went to meet with the priests of darkness
are altars, evil altars (it makes no difference if they call themselves ‘church’). Altars are
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trading places to make covenants, agreements, or carry out transactions; something is
given up, something is received in return. When the fathers sought those gods for help,
they gave the gods something in return, mostly themselves and their generations after
them (knowingly or unknowingly). Depending on the issue, the priest of darkness will
present that issue as a case in the courts of Hell. If someone violates their covenant,
agreement or terms of a transaction, they can be sued to a court of Hell.
Similarly, someone who is not happy with you can take something of yours (there
must be a contact) and present to a priest of darkness who sues you to a court of Hell.
They can issue a verdict against you and it works, if there is an unrepented sin or
iniquity in your life or in your bloodlines; or if you or someone in authority over you
confesses something that agrees with those verdicts of Hell. Like in Job Chapter One, if
you are a Christian and these conditions (unrepented sin, iniquity, or negative
confessions) are met, the forces of darkness will present the case against you in the
court of Heaven, seeking for permission to carry out their own verdicts based on your
actions or those of your bloodlines. However, all verdicts of Hell can be overturned in
the courts of Heaven.
I'm so grateful about revelation in the court of heaven .I believe my healing will be in process.i have receive a clear understanding