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Reversing Curses

Reversing Curses

2 years ago 0 Comments

“I am a Christian; I cannot be cursed. You cannot curse whom the Lord has
blessed.” Believers in Jesus Christ say these about curses all the time; yet when
you look at their lives, they are clearly living in curses. Of course, the kingdom of
darkness understands that no one can curse whom the Lord has blessed, but
they also understand there is an exception – that is you. The kingdom of
darkness can get you or someone in authority over you to curse you. All that
Jesus Christ died for us to have and enjoy, as well as use to establish His
Kingdom in the earth, we must appropriate (or apply) through faith, words, and
actions to bring them into manifestation in our lives on the Earth just as they are
in Heaven (spirit realm). Although Jesus died for the whole world, the whole
world will not automatically go to Heaven or be called His people. We still need
to choose Him and all that He offers by receiving Him into our hearts and
following His leadership, hence, we are called believers, His disciples.
He came to his own people, but they didn’t want him.
But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed
and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves,
their child-of-God selves. These are the God-begotten,
not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten. (John
1:11-13, MSG)

In the same way, if you are appropriating His blessings (remember they are
spiritual blessings), you will see them operating in your physical life. If you are
appropriating curses, you will also see them operating in your physical life and
hindering the blessings.

What is a curse? A curse is intentional release of evil on a person to harm or
punish them. Curse (like blessing) is usually released through utterances, and
sometimes through actions. A curse can also be defined as anything that is less
than what Jesus Christ paid the price in full for us to have and enjoy, which is
released through words or actions. Curses can affect any area of a believer’s
life including health, finances, relationships, and fertility (Deut.28:15-end).

How do curses operate in a believer’s life? One way is through unrepented sins,
especially iniquities, whether the sins were committed by the believer or his/her
bloodlines. In Numbers 22 to 24, Balak, king of Moab, employed Balaam, a
diviner, to manipulate the God of Israel to curse the children of Israel. Balak
wanted Israel cursed so he could defeat them and drive them out of his land
because he feared the children of Israel would invade his land. Balaam could not
curse the children of Israel, rather he blessed them because the Lord told him

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not to curse them (Num.23:8, 19-20). Furthermore, Balaam told Balak that God
has not observed any “unrepented” (word added by me) iniquity in Jacob (for he
is forgiven), nor has He seen any “unrepented” wickedness in Israel. This could
be where Balaam got the idea that the only way the children of Israel could be
cursed is by them committing iniquities and wickedness against God, and not
repenting for them. Thus, Balaam told Balak how to get the Israelites cursed by
having the Moabite women entice them with sexual immorality and food
sacrificed to idols, establishing covenants with Baal of Peor (a demonic god).
While the Israelites were camped at Acacia Grove, some of the men
defiled themselves by having sexual relations with local Moabite
women. These women invited them to attend sacrifices to their gods, so
the Israelites feasted with them and worshiped the gods of Moab.
In this
way, Israel was joined to Baal of Peor, causing the Lord’s anger to blaze
against His people. (Numbers 25:1-3, NLT & NKJV)
To understand what happened that led to the children of Israel sinning against
God, Jesus says, “But I have a few things against you, because you have there
some [among you] who are holding to the [corrupt] teaching of Balaam, who
taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, [enticing them]
to eat things that had been sacrificed to idols and to commit [acts of sexual]
immorality,” (Rev.2:14, AMP). Balaam knew that if the children of Israel entered
into covenants with the gods of the Moabites, they would bring a curse upon

The Lord turned away His anger from the children of Israel when they atoned
(repented) for their sins (Num.25:10-11). However, the atonement happened
after a plague had ravaged the camp of the Israelites, killing about twenty-four
thousand of them, and someone from the priesthood of Aaron killed a man and
the Midianite woman he presented (Num.25:1-9). This curse that led to many
deaths landed on Israel because they sinned against God who already told them
not to commit idolatry. Unrepented sins always give the kingdom of darkness
access into people’s lives, releasing curses upon them. A curse cannot land
without a cause (Prov.26:2). The cause here is the unrepented sins.

Another way curses operate in a believer’s life is through what that believer is
speaking over his or her life (or others are speaking over him/her, whether they
are in authority or not over the believer because there is life and death, curse
and blessing in the power of our tongue, Proverbs 18:21 and James 3:5-10). God
has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus (Eph.1:3).
However, you are to appropriate that blessing into manifestation in your
physical life through speaking the same blessings God has released on you

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through His word, demonstrating your faith and agreement with what God is
saying (or has said) over you.

Whether you speak blessings or curses over your life (or other people), you will
have in your life on Earth, exactly what you speak as Jesus said in Mark 3:10,
NKJV. This is the reason James told the disciples not to bless and curse with
their mouths, rather they should bless and not curse other people, for humans
have been made in the image and likeness of God (James 3:8-10).

Furthermore, if a believer’s parent or members of his/her bloodlines were
cursed by someone or the curse included their household, the curse will also
operate in the believer’s life. The believer is punished or harmed because of the
curses transferred from his/her parents or bloodlines to him/her. In 2 Samuel 3
verse 28-30, David cursed Joab for the murder of Abner:
Later on, when David heard what happened, he said, “Before God I and
my kingdom are totally innocent of this murder of Abner son of Ner. Joab
and his entire family will always be under the curse of this bloodguilt. May
they forever be victims of crippling diseases, violence, and famine.” (Joab
and his brother, Abishai, murdered Abner because he had killed their
brother Asahel at the battle of Gibeon.) The Message Version.
Repenting for what the parents or bloodlines did that brought the curses on
them and releasing blessings upon the people that cursed the parents or
bloodlines go a long way in freeing the believer from those curses and releasing
blessings. Repent as well, for any anger, bitterness and unforgiveness that you
or your bloodlines may have toward the people that cursed you. On the other
hand, if the believer or members of bloodlines are the ones that cursed people,
remember that the same measure you use, will be measured back to you (Luke
6:35-38). Repent to God, release forgiveness to those you or your bloodlines
cursed (no matter the reason for cursing them), release them, and ask for
forgiveness and release from those you cursed (Matthew 6:12-13a, TPT). If you
do not remember (which is often the case), ask the Lord and repent by faith.

In addition, a curse can be operating in a believer’s life through active evil
covenants that were established by his/her forefathers. When those covenants
were made, the forefathers swore to keep the terms of those covenants or suffer
the consequences (which include the curses) of not doing so. In Deut.28 from
verse 15, Moses told the children of Israel the consequences of not obeying
God, who they have covenant with. The same way, the forces of darkness apply
the same principle from God (as they cannot create) but for evil purposes, and

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have breakers suffer the consequences until they are reversed. This is the
reason a believer suffers a curse although he/she has given his/her life to Jesus
Christ. Without seeking to have the curses reversed, the believer continues to
live in the curses because he/she broke evil covenants their forefathers made
with forces of darkness.

Another subject believers in Jesus Christ struggle with is, “Jesus became a
curse for us, redeeming us from the curse of the law (Gal.3:13). Therefore, all
curses have been dealt with.” If Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law,
this shows that there are other curses He also redeemed us from. And if He
redeemed us from all the curses, why are we still seeing curses upon our lives?
First, Jesus Christ did it all as our Savior. We need to appropriate what Christ
has done for us. We need to ask God what the root-cause of the curses is, and
how to have those curses broken and replaced with the blessings He has given
to us in Christ Jesus. Those that seek the Lord with all their heart, asking Him
questions, do find Him and the answers He gives to help us excel on Earth.

Even before the foundation of the world, the Lamb of God was slain for us. Christ
also died for us even while we were yet sinners. However, if a person does not
come to Him in repentance for their sins and receive Him as Savior and Lord,
they will go to Hell if they die without Christ. We need to understand that God did
it all and handed all that He did to us (His disciples) to appropriate in all the
Earth. This is part of establishing His Kingdom in the Earth. In addition, God has
given man the will to choose life or death, blessing or curse; and God even went
as far as showing man (demonstrated on the Cross) to choose life and blessing
in Christ Jesus. Man has the free will to choose curses by sinning and not
repenting for those sins. Man also has the free will to not seek God for answers
and applying the solutions God gives to us. God’s people perish for lack of
knowledge, which doesn’t have to be so.

The general way to cancel or reverse curses is through repentance, next
forgiveness, renunciation, and then superimposing those curses with the Blood
of Jesus Christ, which He shed when He became a curse for us (Gal.3:13-14).
The Blood of Jesus Christ nullifies every curse; you just need to know from the
Holy Spirit how to apply the Blood. Then, replace the curses with the blessings
of God, which He gave to us in Christ Jesus (Eph.1:3), by decreeing and
declaring the Word (scriptures or prophecies) that talk about the blessings. You
can replace the curse of sexual immorality with purity (2 Cor.5:21); the curse of
poverty with the riches of Christ (2 Cor.8:9); the curse of sickness or disease
with the healing and eternal life of Christ (1 Pet.2:24); the curse of death with the

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resurrection power and life of Christ (Eph.1:20-21; Phil.3:10-11), etc. You can
also bring the curses to the Courts of Heaven to have the just Judge overturn
them, especially if the curses were established through evil covenants. Once
you have the curses reversed with the blessings, keep standing on the blessings
by continuing in praise and thanksgiving to God, decreeing and declaring the
blessings with the Word over yourself, your family and any other place or
persons you had the curses reversed on their behalf. An example of prayer to
cancel and nullify a curse:
Almighty God my Father, I come to You now in the Name and by the Blood
of Jesus Christ. I thank You that Jesus Christ was made a curse for me so
that I will receive Your blessing. I start by repenting on behalf of myself,
my family and my bloodlines for cursing ourselves and other people. We
repent for all other things we did that brough the curses on us or other
people (list them if you know them according to Deut.28:15). We truly are
sorry and ask You to forgive and cleanse us through and through. On
behalf of myself, my family and bloodlines, we forgive and totally release
anybody that cursed us. Also, we ask for forgiveness and total release
from everybody we cursed. I ask that You cleanse me (use us if you are
breaking curses over your family or bloodlines) and all the people we
cursed with Your precious Blood and living water.
I now bring all the curses (list them, such as the curse of death) under the
curse that Jesus Christ became for me on the Cross according to Gal.3:13
and cover these curses with the precious Blood of the Lamb that was slain
for me, to break, destroy and nullify them and their effects totally and
permanently. I ask that You remove and reverse them permanently by the
Blood of Jesus Christ according to Matt.26:28. In their place, I release the
blessings You have blessed me with in Christ (Eph.1:3; Deut.28:1-14). I
decree and declare that I have and enjoy abundant life according to John
10:10 (for example). I decree and declare that I am rich and wealthy
according to 2 Cor.8:9.
I thank You Almighty God for freeing me from every curse and releasing
me indeed. I receive Your blessing and thank You for making me a
blessing everywhere I go until all the families of the Earth are blessed
(Gen.12:2). I seal these blessings over me, across every realm, dimension,
time, and eternity in the Blood of Jesus Christ and by the power of the
Holy Spirit. Amen!

P.S: After repentance, forgiveness, and renunciation, we need to sever ties,
covenants, agreements, trades/transactions, and dedications established with
demonic spirits through iniquities. Check out my teaching on DIVORCING

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